Friday, September 5, 2008
This happens every day with greater frequency in the United States. Our "leaders" have allowed us to become prey to lawless hordes from third world countries. They rob, rape, steal, drive drunk and murder us law abiding citizens. Anyone who has voiced displeasure has immediately been labeled as racists (of course) by the unwashed left. Of course the DemonRats are looking to give these hordes of illegals amnesty for their votes. Then they can bestow all of the welfare dollars from us hardworking taxpayers to our new countrymen.
I blame President Bush. For 8 years, he has had the opportunity to close our least the first 4 years of his presidency when he had a majority in Congress. He actually sanctioned the McCain Kennedy amnesty bill. I predict that illegal immigration will be the biggest disaster of his presidency. After all, who knows who all has crossed that border....and with what?? I would like to see the families of these people killed ask why President Bush did not keep his oath as President.
The Bushes are looking for a house in Dallas and will be living not far from where these two newlyweds lost their lives to a drunken illegal that should have never been in the USA. Hopefully, one of the President's daughters won't be the next victims of an illegal drunk driver! CLOSE THE BORDER! NOW!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
GOD BLESS TEXAS! Texas continues to set the example to other states in executing murderers who have destroyed innocent lives. Human excrement Kevin Michael Watts has been sentenced for execution October 8, 2008. He is on death row after being convicted to killing 3 people in a restaurant in San Antonio in 2003. He executed 3 of the 4 in the restaurant by having them kneel before him and shooting them in the back of the head. The fourth was a new bride of one of the workers executed in the restaurant. He kidnapped and drugged her, then tortured, raped and sodomized her before allowing another homie to rape her.
Is Kevin Watts sorry for the pain and destruction he brought to those families? No, far from it. Who is responsible? You guessed it....whitey! Here is what he said to the judge when allowed to comment: "I want to say that you white folks can kill me for something they've been doing for years. You white folks, you've been doing this (expletive) for years. You all started this (expletive)." Yep, whitey forced poor Kevin to kill those innocents. Predictably, after the judgment was rendered, Watt's friends and family erupted in the courtroom yelling obscenities. Why is the Angry White Dude not surprised??
A simple Google search found the writings of young Kevin on the internet and I will post them below. Also found was a personals ad where Kevin is looking for love. A anti-capital group from Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty (no doubt commie losers) provide sweet little Kevin and other murderers the chance to find love once they have taken the same opportunity from others. Maybe the leftist lovers of murderers would feel differently if it was one of their family who had "felt the love" from Kevin. Isn't that great? Why are murderers on death row allowed access to the internet? Anyway, here's one of Kevin's poems:
Facts, Thoughts, and Ambitions
So many nights, so many crys
I just look at the sky and wonder why
Is this my destiny is this all meant to be
I pray this is a dream cause I wish to wake to flee
This bares a strain on my brain as I grit my teeth to the grain
I fight every day to keep from going insane
The world is cold leaving a lonely man to fold
but I keep my dignity because its more precious than gold
Time will continue to carry on
its in my hands to exceed and not prolong.
because I have visions of being free because this is where I do not belong
By Kevin M Watts
Kevin, I agree with you. You don't belong on Death Row. You belong in the ground.
Angry White Dude may write Kevin and let him know that I will celebrate October 8, 2008 as a day that my tax dollars no longer to keep alive a human piece of trash.
Here is an article about Kevin's crimes:
Here are more of Kevin's lovely writings and Pen Pal advertisement:
DemonRats have long accused Republicans of hating blacks. However, the Dims have done absolutely NOTHING over the past 40 years except make many blacks dependent on government handouts while instilling the belief that they cannot compete without government help. When will blacks wake up? Message to black people: DEMOCRATS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! THEY ONLY WANT YOUR VOTES!
Here is a video of Former DNC chair Don Fowler and DemonRat Congressman John Spratt that was filmed as they traveled to Charlotte after the DNC Convention in Denver. Notice at the end how the evil Fowler happily says "Everything is cool." Spratt should resign immediately and Fowler should be shamed as the piece of trash that he is. Oh..yeah...Democrats cannot be shamed.
Here is the shameful video...I hate those guys!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
There are lots of commercials that annoy me...but any with Billy Mays cause me to change the channel. Another one I really hate is the Hughes DirecNet commercial with the redhead woman of a million expressions. She's like a train wreck....awful, but you can't look away! Maybe there is some justice and Billy Mays and Expression Woman are married and mutually annoy the hell out of each other.
Here are the vids:
And Expression Woman (I live to watch her say "how cool is that?"):
I suppose it's not surprising that the Democrats have moved so far to the left over the past 15 or so years. They are currently headed by tortured, drugged out hippies from the 60's who cannot die off fast enough for me. They bring relics of their socialistic and "free love" ideology their twisted world...there are no moral absolutes, only shades of gray for every issue. The only absolute they possess is their loathing for the success of the United States. Liberals run on emotion. They possess little logic or reason but prefer to dream about Voltaire's "best of all possible worlds" where there are no evil rich people or corporations, solar and alternative power keeps Mother Earth smiling, everyone is healthy from free healthcare and all the peoples of the globe will all love each other. Isn't that nice? Absolutely insane, but nice. Like their ridiculous bumper sticker says, "Visualize World Peace." You better visualize it because it ain't ever going to happen.
But the United States is not the problem of the world. We are the shining light to the world. We have freed billions of people from tyranny and evil. We have defeated evil leaders in two World Wars only to rebuild the very countries we destroyed to compete against us. We have sacrificed thousands of our best lives and billions of dollars for Iraqis. Didn't the left cry "no blood for oil?" Where the hell is the oil? Probably going to China!
I am linking a MUST READ article. It is titled "Democrats Are Traitors to America’s Founding Principles of Freedom and Liberty." It is time for right thinking Americans to start speaking in unequivocal terms that we know who the Democrats are and we will not allow them to further destroy the country. Although John McCain is a Democrat at heart, at least he won't sell us out to Russia or the Chinese like Obama.
Please read this article and let me know what you think:
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Today is one of the saddest days in our nation's history. Today, a unqualified socialist will be named as the candidate for the Democrat party. Not only a socialist, he is buddies with communists and unrepentant terrorists. A former drug user and dealer. He has shady financial deals with convicted felons. Not only that, he attended the church of a racist Black Liberation Theology following preacher in Chicago who damns America and white people for 20 years. A man who wouldn't wear the US flag on his lapel. A man who wants to disable our nuclear deterrent. A man who is the most liberal member of the Senate with only 146 days of experience. He is by far the most unqualified person to be considered for President in the history of the country. He has proposed nothing in his constant message of "change" except raising taxes and putting more air in tires to solve the energy crisis.
I am sad that so many of my fellow Americans are so ridiculously stupid to vote for this clown. The DemonRat party is now openly anti-American. It blames every problem in the world on the USA. DemonRat politicians travel the world to meet with our enemies. In my opinion, the DemonRat party is a clear and present danger to the United States.
Why is Obama the candidate? One word: black. There were other stupid, liberal candidates such as Clintoon, Christopher Dodd, Dennis Kucinich (when he wasn't in outer space), etc. that ran in the Democrat primary. Each has light years experience over Obama. But because of stupid white people guilt and the overwhelming support of blacks, Obama won the nomination. Why any white person would feel guilt for blacks is beyond me. We have been paying for slavery for 40+ years in welfare, affirmative action, set asides, quotas, forced school busing, etc.
The AWD is not a John McCain fan. AWD is conservative politically and McCain is anything but. In fact, he is a Democrat of 15 years ago before the DemonRats became commies. But I will vote for McCain to keep Obama from winning the Presidency, which would be disastrous. The unwashed left makes its decisions on emotion. That's how Obama has been allowed to get away with broad themes of "hope and change" without any specifics. The Old Media is complicit in this scam. Conservatives runs on reason and logic. We don't need a "magic negro" to lead us. Just an American statesman that loves his country. Somewhere George Washington and Ronald Reagan are crying.
Angry White Dude
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Today, the Angry White Dude ran across an article on from the Oprah Magazine. No, the AWD doesn't watch CNN and would rather undergo a colonoscopy than have anything to do with Oprah. The article was written by Ellen Tien, who writes for Oprah magazine. You know, Oprah magazine...the one with Oprah's big basketball head on the cover each month. No, AWD doesn't read Oprah mag either...I just see it in the grocery store check out. The article is titled "She's happily married, dreaming of divorce." The author explains her husband Will, "Nor is Will the Very Bad Man that I've made him out to be. Rather, like every other male I know, he is merely a Moderately Bad Man, the kind of man who will leave his longboat-sized shoes directly in the flow of our home's traffic so that one day I'll trip over them, break my neck, and die, after which he'll walk home from the morgue, grief-stricken, take off his shoes with a heavy heart, and leave them in the center of the room until they kill the housekeeper. Everyman." She goes on to describe other "middle-wife" crisis sufferers, "We are also tickets with jobs and disposable income. If we jump ship now, we're still attractive prospects who may have another shot at happiness. There's just that tricky wicket of determining whether eternal comfort resides in the tried-and-true or whether the untried will be truer."
Hey American women, want to know why fewer and fewer men are marrying? Read this article! Many (most?) American women are spoiled rotten and want everything now. American women have been taught that their happiness will come from that BMW, or rug, or $500 purse or McMansion. These things make them happy...for a few minutes. Then off to the next purchase. They have become rotten people who cannot be pleased and they make everyone else miserable in the process. They control every aspect of their husband's life. Nothing makes them happy. The AWD has had experience with the modern American ended very badly for the AWD. During a counseling session with the lovely little ex-wifey, the counselor told her that from what he had learned from the ex is that AWD did 95% of what she wanted and could improve on the other 5%....but little ex-wifey could only bitch 100% of the time about the 5%. How common is that? Wonder why the AWD is the AWD?
After divorce from an American women, many American men never want to marry again, and why should they? The wife gets the kids, the house, child support and anything else she wants. AWD knows there are some bad guys out there....but most white men are good dad's and good husbands who work their guts out to provide for their family. It's a shame that they receive little or no credit for their work. Many US men are looking overseas and finding good results where women are much more like our mothers and less like our bosses.
I strongly encourage everyone to read this article. You'll hate this miserable woman as much as the AWD. I hope her husband reads it and tells her to walk east until her hat floats! I know there are good women out's just that they are few in number these days.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Yeah, Dremiel, he be my cousin! How could any white person be soooo racist to think that any of those names were strange? How do these names affect black people trying to get a job? Outside of Director of Diversity (what BS), the Angry White Dude doesn't see too much hope of strangely named blacks moving up the corporate ladder. Hello, please meet our Senior Vice President of Marketing, LaCronchtae Jackson. Just doesn't work for me. Of course, I won't be voting for a guy named Barack either.
I know that this is entirely racist, but what is the wierdest black name you've ever known or heard? The AWD went to elementary school with Lavoris Lipscomb. That's pretty good. Let's hear it Angry White Folks.
Angrayus Whitalius Duderino
Rapper (scientific name: raperious felonious negroidus) Da Brat be in da jail! The real name of this phenominal talent is Shawntae (why am I not surprised?) Harris. She was sentenced to 3 years in da big house and given 7 years probation along with 200 hours of community service and completion of substance abuse treatment, mental evaluation and anger management classes. Fo shizzle! Da judge just be tryin' to hold down a sistah!
This be the second time she whacked a homie in da head. Da Brat only got probation from dat racialist judge dat time. Dis time, she smacked a Atlanta Falcons cheerleader who was working as a hostess at a club in Atlanta and da fool went and pressed charges. Day-uhm! Da Brat only keepin' it real, fo sho!
Da Brat is a 34 year old mother who needs to stop acting like a fool and set an example for her shorty (child for you white readers). Da Angry White Dude done figured out why dey gots a new rapper every week....da prisons be fillin' up with da old rappers! So keep wearin' yo pants below yo asses, keep puttin' grillz on yo teefs, keep wearing loads of fake bling my young homies. At least you be keepin' it real!
Here be da article:
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Just when you think it's safe to go near the television, Balack Osama has lost his teleprompter again. Today, while announcing Joe "Chia Hair" Biden as his Vice Presidential nominee choice, he introduced Biden as the "next President of the United States." Well, Biden would be about as bad a choice as the "golden negro" but he probably could formulate a sentence without a teleprompter and a hundred or so "ummm's." As much as I cannot stand liberals, old wrinkled hag Geraldine Ferraro was right when she said that Obama wouldn't be the choice if he wasn't black. That's the only thing he's got going for him with the unwashed left. Of course, with the dismal history of black leaders in the US....look at any black run'd think the socialist hippies of the left would be a little embarrassed to be represented by such a political lightweight. Of course, nobody has ever accused the left of being intelligent.
For his part, ol' Chia Hair Biden also bungled his opening today calling Obama Barack America which sounds like some kind of bad guy professional wrestler! I would be tempted to say that the two of them had been smoking the diggity dang before coming out on stage. With the campaign just heating up and Obama starting to fade as more and more people with two brain molecules or more...this excludes liberals....realize that Obama is a creation of the Old Media, it should be fun to watch the debates and listen to the sound bytes coming out of this leftoid retarded duo. Biden is a plagiarizing gasbag and Obama is an idiot. Let the games begin!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The only thing the Angry White Dude hates to see in front of him than the old man wearing the hat is a Chinese driver. Of course, the old man in the hat is driving 25 in a 45 with a line of cars stretching out several counties behind but at least he can stay in his lane. I don't get it why Chinese people find it so difficult to do a basic skill performed by millions worldwide each day. It's not hard....steer, accelerate and brake....oh yeah, don't run into anything or run over anything, Wang! Maybe there's a reason why they all have bicycles over in can't kill as many people on a bike.
I realize that there are tons of people who have difficulty moms in yapping on the phone putting on makeup while listening to Kenny G, anyone driving a mini-van (what happens to people's minds when they sit in a mini-van?), 40 Mexicans in a van on their way to a construction site, Volvo drivers and everybody who lives in Wisconsin or South Carolina. But none perform as badly behind the wheel as Chinese. You may have heard the joke the best way to blind a Chinese person is put a windshield in front of their's true!
The AWD would like to know is it something physiological with Chinese or are they just all out trying to ruin my day that makes them such bad drivers? What did I ever do to them? I shop at Wal-Mart for heaven's sake! I demand answers!
Angry White Dude
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Today, Houston teacher union president Gayle Fallon made the rounds on the morning talk shows running her big, fat mouth against the Harrold, Texas school district's decision to allow willing and trained teachers to carry concealed weapons to protect students. This woman has definitely tested positive for stupid. On the Early Show with half a sissy Harry Smith she was asked "if your child's school were invaded by Columbine-style killers, methodically murdering students in cold blood, would you want teachers to shoot to stop them?" This poster child for home schooling actually said "no." She went on to say that "teachers don't have it in them" to shoot a student, even if the killers were shooting innocent students. The AWD believes that it should be a litmus test for anyone wanting to be a teacher that they be willing to defend innocent students. If the cowards are not willing to protect innocent lives, they should be a demonrat politician!
This woman is a disgrace and should immediately be removed from any association with teaching. It is corrupt unions like the one she heads in Houston that have made many of our school districts politically correct jokes! Houston should be ashamed and parents should be outraged!
Here is a clip from the Fox Morning show. Notice how they keep running video loops of gun shows and machine guns. Morons!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Who drinks a fruit smoothie anyway? I won't even say the word it sounds so gay. In fact, even typing fruit smoothie is a little wierd. (note: from now on, fruit smoothies will be known as FS's). I bet they sell truckloads of FS's in San Francisco, New York and Chapel Hill, NC....all epicenters of "sensitive guys" who may enjoy that type of cool, creamy refreshment.
The Angry White Dude likes Jack In The Box fast food. For one thing, they serve breakfast 24/7 and there ain't nothing wrong with that. Counter that with up at 10:31 in the morning and forget your McMuffin! I think McDonalds ought to give away all the McMuffins free at 10:31 since they're not going to sell them. Of course, I am only a humble angry white dude without a MBA in marketing. If I had a MBA in marketing, I'd probably be pushing strawberry/mango FS's in San Francisco to some hairdresser in leather named it's probably better that I just write about all things white male (except gay stuff)!
Back to this commercial. You've seen it...the overweight white guy coming in from jogging and sticking his sweaty butt and unit in some guy's face while ordering a FS. First of all, fat white guys don't jog and most won't order a FS (unless gay and in SF, NYC and Chapel Hill where a butt or unit in the face is welcome). I'll leave it up to you readers to tell me if I'm being a little over reactive here. But I don't think so.
Here's the vid:
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The DemonRatic party continues to shoot it's stupid self in the foot every opportunity it gets. It runs a socialist with a Muslim name with no credentials and who cannot formulate a sentence without a teleprompter for President. House leader Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi won't allow a up or down vote on offshore drilling when Americans are screaming for gas price relief and to quit enriching our enemies with overpriced oil dollars. Treasonous douchebag Senate Leader (how it pains me to say that) Harry Reid stated that the Iraq War was lost just before "the Surge." All Dims were against sending more troops to Iraq...and that was the very thing that has won the war and peace for Iraq. The professional scumbag John Edwards finally cannot lie further about his adulterous affair and also shows his wife to be a piece of Schumer as well. Last week, wild-eyed Howard Dean states in a speech that the Republican party is a "white party." Yes, either the DemonRats have cornered the market on stupid or they are batsh*t crazy!
As if they cannot do anything more stupid, they have appointed a female Reverend "GD AmeriKKKa" Wright to run the DemonRat National Convention. Pentecostal Sistah Leah Daughtry...who heads a congregation of...get this...20 people in Washington, DC is in charge of the entire convention. She is of the same ilk (no, ilk is not a big deer) as Rev. Wright and is a follower of Black Liberation Theology which states that all whites are evil and owe all blacks reparations for slavery. Moonbat Democrat leader Howard Dean cited her "strong guidance, skilled leadership and counsel." You won't be able to swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting some Maya Angelou spouting, dashiki wearing Revrum shouting "death to whitey" in Denver. Plus a whole herd of angry flannel wearing lesbians. Plus unemployed, unwashed college dropouts protesting anything of moral value. In other words...the usual DemonRat crowd.
The Angry White Dude is convinced more than ever that the DemonRatic party is anti-American, traitorous, socialistic, and evil. They must be stopped. However, anyone with basic intelligence will be able to see just how wacko these idiots are and vote accordingly. AWD predicts that Obama and the Dims are going down hard this election. AWD is NOT a McPain fan but will vote for him because the USA cannot allow the liberal scum Dims to win the presidency.
This week rapper (i.e. felon) and black youth role model DMX was arrested in Miami on an outstanding warrant from great American Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona. He has been arrested numerous times recently for animal cruelty (some of the brothers apparently really like watching dogs kill each other), drug possession (go figure) and for skipping out on a $7,500 hospital bill where he gave the false name of LaShontay, I made that up...he used the false name of Troy Jones.
Keep in mind that Mr. DMX has made millions and millions selling rap crap and even making movies...which proves once again that it takes no skill to be an actor. Now he is using a public defender for his legal defense. It appears that Mr. DMX, gifted orator of the rap genre, has pissed away his fortune. Now why is the AWD not surprised? He was the rapper du jour a few years ago. However, a rappers career life is shorter than a pizza's life in the Rosie McDonald household. Why is this lifestyle so adored by young blacks? Do they not see by now that bling and ho's are not a solid career path? Last night in the presidential debate at that big phony preacher Rick Warren's church in California, Obama said that he would not have nominated and does not support Supreme Court judge Clarence Thomas. Obama said, "Justice Clarence Thomas was not a strong enough jurist or legal thinker" to have been nominated to the Supreme Court." Well, I disagree but Thomas was primarily selected because the court had lost its only black member and needed another to keep the race whiners satisfied. Thomas has proven to be a very solid jurist and a great American success story. Judge Thomas' life story is one that young blacks should emulate rather than rappers (felons) or professional athletes (felons and soon-to-be felons).
Back to DMX, American hero Sheriff Arpaio said: He's back in jail again. I don't know why judges keep letting this guy out. Every time he goes in there, he gets out on bond. I'm hoping this is the one time he's going to pay the penalty for his offense." If DMX remains jailed, the sheriff said he would be isolated from the rest of the inmates for his own safety. "They may not like his music," he said. Touche!
The Angry White Dude and angry white males do not like the music or his actions. Put DMX NDJail!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Something has been bothering the Angry White Dude with the Beijing Olympics. Yeah, the opening ceremony was faked for television and yes, they had a fake little cute Chinese kid lip-synching a song while a little ugly Chinese kid sang backstage. Yes, I know that the if Chinese girls gymnastic team were any younger, they would be sperm. And all of their athletes are little yellow robots who have been programmed by the government and cannot show emotion.
But what really is unexplainable is the fact that the seats are empty! Doesn't China have over a billion people? The Chinese commie government has been bragging that the whole Olympics has been sold out for months and yet we see section after section of empty seats. Why you may ask? The AWD believes that the lying, scumbag Commie government doesn't want westerners massing to cheer on their teams. This whole Olympics has a wierd...almost choreographed feel. The expected cheating, empty's like the event is taking place in a vacuum. From reading news articles from reporters in Beijing, the AWD found that the Chinese have packed up anybody who may be a threat to express a non-government approved opinion. I read that the government agreed to allow political protests in order to be awarded the Olympics. But they placed the location for protests in a park several miles from the Olympics and didn't approve any applications to protest. Now who didn't see that coming? The International Olympic Committee, that's who.
Remember this, you cannot trust the Chinese any more than you can the Russians. They want nothing less than world domination. We are heading for a showdown with them and when it happens it will be a lot more important then little girls swinging on bars.
The Angry White Dude abides!
The independent school district of Harrold, Texas has given the Angry White Dude even more reasons to love the State of Texas! Not only does Texas execute murderous felons faster than fat liberal dirtbag Michael Moore can go through a bucket of KFC, now the first school district in the state is allowing school employees to carry firearms to school! The AWD has always felt that schools are a particularly vulnerable setting for maniacs to attack. We have seen deranged students killing innocent victims who don't have a chance to protect themselves. AWD has long feared that when the terrorists attack the US again, they will take over schools and execute our innocent children while we helplessly watch. God help them if they do!
Harrold school employees who have a Texas concealed carry license, receive proper school mandated training in crisis management and carry bullets with a lesser chance to ricochet will be allowed to carry. In short, they will be prepared to protect students in the event they need to. This will no doubt drive the girlymen liberals crazy. Good! Most school districts are led by a gaggle of politically correct, liberal scumbags. Most school superintendents are dishonest pseudo-politicians who are too lazy to get a vote like normal dishonest politicians. My children have been instructed by their school administration that in the event of someone shooting up the school that all the students are to group together in a corner of the classroom. Good thinking!! Now the shooter can kill more kids with less bullets. I have since instructed my kids that at the first sound of a gunshot, they are to break out a window (if on the first floor, obviously), jump out and run as fast as they can go. Without hesitation.
I am glad that at least some school administrators live in the real world and think like normal people. I hope that this trend spreads throughout the US. The AWD encourages all honest, capable people to get concealed carry permits. Like a Korean saying goes, "the law is far, the fist is near." Just change "fist" for "Glock" in the AWD's case!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Today Balack Osama gave another of his rabble rousing speeches in Germany in front of an estimated 200,000 Eurotrash. The man who has been endorsed by all around great guy Fidel Castro and those nutty guys in Hezbollah was wildly applauded by the American hating crowd of unwashed fuzzy little foreigners in Berlin. Should we be surprised? No, all of those who wish for a weak America support Obama.
Obama has a habit of talking a lot but saying very little. He makes very broad statements without giving details. Of course, DemonRats operate solely on emotion and not facts because they are not very intelligent. They prefer to be led by the nose rather than think for themselves. What upsets me (and should all Americans) is Obama apologizing to these drunk, hairy Germans by saying that America "can do better." Obama went to foreign soil and accused the United States of torture, of racial discrimination against non-European immigrants and of religious discrimination. Obama showed his hand that he supports foreign invaders more than American taxpayers. He mentioned nothing about illegal trespassers completely ignoring our laws. He even condemned American torture of terrorists to wild applause although such torture has rarely occurred. The AWD wishes that all terrorists were tortured unmercifully using the same methods they have used to torture and mutilate our citizens. And I'm not talking underwear on the head! If we cannot torture these evil animals for information that will save American lives, I hope that the military takes no more prisoners....kill every single terrorist who raises a weapon toward our armed forces.
The problem that Obama has is the same that DemonRats have. They want to be loved by a world that hates the United States. They will blame America for its faults on the world stage without giving us credit for all of the good work we do worldwide. No mention of the billions we spend in helping other countries when hurricanes, tsunamis, drought, famine, etc. occur.
No, we don't need no stinking Obama any more than we need any more stinking DemonRats or illegal aliens! The good thing is that the 200,000 German Eurotrash have not one vote that counts here. Hopefully, Americans are watching this Obama clown and realizing that he is NOT one of us!