The DemonRatic party continues to shoot it's stupid self in the foot every opportunity it gets. It runs a socialist with a Muslim name with no credentials and who cannot formulate a sentence without a teleprompter for President. House leader Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi won't allow a up or down vote on offshore drilling when Americans are screaming for gas price relief and to quit enriching our enemies with overpriced oil dollars. Treasonous douchebag Senate Leader (how it pains me to say that) Harry Reid stated that the Iraq War was lost just before "the Surge." All Dims were against sending more troops to Iraq...and that was the very thing that has won the war and peace for Iraq. The professional scumbag John Edwards finally cannot lie further about his adulterous affair and also shows his wife to be a piece of Schumer as well. Last week, wild-eyed Howard Dean states in a speech that the Republican party is a "white party." Yes, either the DemonRats have cornered the market on stupid or they are batsh*t crazy!
As if they cannot do anything more stupid, they have appointed a female Reverend "GD AmeriKKKa" Wright to run the DemonRat National Convention. Pentecostal Sistah Leah Daughtry...who heads a congregation of...get this...20 people in Washington, DC is in charge of the entire convention. She is of the same ilk (no, ilk is not a big deer) as Rev. Wright and is a follower of Black Liberation Theology which states that all whites are evil and owe all blacks reparations for slavery. Moonbat Democrat leader Howard Dean cited her "strong guidance, skilled leadership and counsel." You won't be able to swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting some Maya Angelou spouting, dashiki wearing Revrum shouting "death to whitey" in Denver. Plus a whole herd of angry flannel wearing lesbians. Plus unemployed, unwashed college dropouts protesting anything of moral value. In other words...the usual DemonRat crowd.
The Angry White Dude is convinced more than ever that the DemonRatic party is anti-American, traitorous, socialistic, and evil. They must be stopped. However, anyone with basic intelligence will be able to see just how wacko these idiots are and vote accordingly. AWD predicts that Obama and the Dims are going down hard this election. AWD is NOT a McPain fan but will vote for him because the USA cannot allow the liberal scum Dims to win the presidency.
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