Saturday, August 23, 2008


Just when you think it's safe to go near the television, Balack Osama has lost his teleprompter again. Today, while announcing Joe "Chia Hair" Biden as his Vice Presidential nominee choice, he introduced Biden as the "next President of the United States." Well, Biden would be about as bad a choice as the "golden negro" but he probably could formulate a sentence without a teleprompter and a hundred or so "ummm's." As much as I cannot stand liberals, old wrinkled hag Geraldine Ferraro was right when she said that Obama wouldn't be the choice if he wasn't black. That's the only thing he's got going for him with the unwashed left. Of course, with the dismal history of black leaders in the US....look at any black run'd think the socialist hippies of the left would be a little embarrassed to be represented by such a political lightweight. Of course, nobody has ever accused the left of being intelligent.

For his part, ol' Chia Hair Biden also bungled his opening today calling Obama Barack America which sounds like some kind of bad guy professional wrestler! I would be tempted to say that the two of them had been smoking the diggity dang before coming out on stage. With the campaign just heating up and Obama starting to fade as more and more people with two brain molecules or more...this excludes liberals....realize that Obama is a creation of the Old Media, it should be fun to watch the debates and listen to the sound bytes coming out of this leftoid retarded duo. Biden is a plagiarizing gasbag and Obama is an idiot. Let the games begin!

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