Monday, August 18, 2008


Who drinks a fruit smoothie anyway? I won't even say the word it sounds so gay. In fact, even typing fruit smoothie is a little wierd. (note: from now on, fruit smoothies will be known as FS's). I bet they sell truckloads of FS's in San Francisco, New York and Chapel Hill, NC....all epicenters of "sensitive guys" who may enjoy that type of cool, creamy refreshment.

The Angry White Dude likes Jack In The Box fast food. For one thing, they serve breakfast 24/7 and there ain't nothing wrong with that. Counter that with up at 10:31 in the morning and forget your McMuffin! I think McDonalds ought to give away all the McMuffins free at 10:31 since they're not going to sell them. Of course, I am only a humble angry white dude without a MBA in marketing. If I had a MBA in marketing, I'd probably be pushing strawberry/mango FS's in San Francisco to some hairdresser in leather named it's probably better that I just write about all things white male (except gay stuff)!

Back to this commercial. You've seen it...the overweight white guy coming in from jogging and sticking his sweaty butt and unit in some guy's face while ordering a FS. First of all, fat white guys don't jog and most won't order a FS (unless gay and in SF, NYC and Chapel Hill where a butt or unit in the face is welcome). I'll leave it up to you readers to tell me if I'm being a little over reactive here. But I don't think so.

Here's the vid:

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