Monday, August 25, 2008


Salon (liberal trash) magazine has published an article defending the strange names that many blacks thrust upon their children. Writer David Zax says, "White ridicule kept pace with these names and even preceded them: A racist tradition dating to at least the early part of the 20th century has accused black people of having foolish names." Really? Foolish names you say? is a list of some of our 2008 Olympic athletes: Tayshaun, Deron, Rau'shee, Raynell, Deontay, Taraje, Jozy, Kerron, Hyleas, Chaunte, Bershawn, Lashawn, Sanya, Trevell, Sheena, Ogonna, Dremiel.

Yeah, Dremiel, he be my cousin! How could any white person be soooo racist to think that any of those names were strange? How do these names affect black people trying to get a job? Outside of Director of Diversity (what BS), the Angry White Dude doesn't see too much hope of strangely named blacks moving up the corporate ladder. Hello, please meet our Senior Vice President of Marketing, LaCronchtae Jackson. Just doesn't work for me. Of course, I won't be voting for a guy named Barack either.

I know that this is entirely racist, but what is the wierdest black name you've ever known or heard? The AWD went to elementary school with Lavoris Lipscomb. That's pretty good. Let's hear it Angry White Folks.

Angrayus Whitalius Duderino

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